Croque-polenta with Tartiflette cheese
1 cheese of Original Ermitage tartiflette
4 slices of white ham
2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
250g of polenta
1 litre of water
Coarse Salt
- Bring salted water to the boil.
- Pour in the polenta and stir over a medium heat for 5 minutes until the mixture thickens.
- Prepare a sheet of baking paper and spread the polenta into a 1cm thick rectangle.
- Leave to cool at room temperature until the polenta is firm.
- Cut into 12 equal-sized squares.
- Cut 2 equal-sized squares from each slice of ham.
- Top with 8 squares of polenta, a piece of ham, thin slices of tartiflette cheese.
- Put them together 2 by 2 and seal with the remaining polenta squares.
- Sprinkle with some breadcrumbs.
- Place on a baking tray.
- Bake for 5 minutes in the oven at 220°C (gas mark 7).